Nowgong College maintains a well-planned procedure and policy structuring mechanism for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities. Apart from the IQAC, there are various bodies like Academic Body, Construction Committee etc. which take care of the financial and administrative aspects of the physical, academic and support facilities of the college. Whenever any requirement of maintenance service arises, requisition is placed and eventually the Governing Body discusses the matter for structuring some plan or proposal. The concerning body of the college is given the responsibility of implementing the plan or proposal passed in the Governing Body meeting. It is noteworthy that such functions are conducted and implemented as per the norms and policies of the state government.
For any submission of Tender or Quotation for the infrastructural works by a constructor etc., the Governing Body has to approve the procedure. Moreover, the college has its own fund to meet the basic requirements of the departments, the laboratories, the central library and the departmental library, sports complex, toiletry etc. The department Head may submit the requisition to the administration (Principal)for any financial requirement or maintenance. Accordingly the authority observing necessary formalities as per government norms and guidelines initiates the process for such requirements.