We want your life with us to be one of the best of time in your life! You are, of course, here to work heard but we know there is more to life than just study and research. You’ll soon discover place this college is.
You certainly won’t be short of libraries at Nowgong College –
The College library contains the standard texts needed for your course along with other materials related to your subjects. It has more than 50,000 thousand books Journals & reference materials.
Faculty and department libraries offer most specialized collections of books, journals, periodical and electronic resources for particular subjects.
The digital library is a small step that will open up a giant world of information and knowledge for the reader and research workers.
Computing & IT
The college and department provide computing facilities to help you with your academic work.
Many departments have been offering a range of general and specialied software as well as internet facilities.
Language Lab
Students of all subjects may choose to start or continue learning a language in the language centre for extensive academic and employment benefits.